Women's Prayer Breakfast -
The Women's Prayer Breakfast is held on the second Sunday of each month, at 10:00 am, in the Fellowship Hall.

The Natural Remedies Workshop, presented by Debra Holland, will no longer be combined with the Women's Prayer Breakfast.

Prayer/Women’s/Deaconesses Ministries Prayer Breakfast.
The Women Ministry , together with the Deaconesses and the Prayer Ministry hosts a monthly special event: the ladies prayer breakfast, on the second Sunday of each month.
Second Sunday of each month, 10:00 am, meeting in the Fellowship Hall for a light breakfast and then a special time for study and prayer.
Check with Mary Melton, Queenie Knnablian and Josie Barron for more information.
All women are welcome.
Previous months' prayer breakfast:
Women's Dinner September 2023
Click here for the rest of the photos
