Our Community Services Center is open on Tuesdays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and is located at 422 E. Shields Ave., Fresno.
Our main objective is to introduce the community to
Christ through showing them Christ’s love. We want to help
the community spiritually, mentally and physically. We give out
religious material, health supplies and food.
Here are some statistics on the people we serve:

Partnership with Central California Food Bank
Another important aspect of Fresno Central SDA Community Service is the
partnership we have with the Central California Food Bank. Since we are a
member, they help us provide the food and in turn, we are required to document
certain information. First, we document the names of the people we serve and the
number of people in their family. We enter that data on their website. Each client
is assigned a case number to make it easier to document their activity. We will
make a case for each client who is new to Community Service. This includes
making a laminated card with their name and case number. They can present this
card whenever they pick up food at any organization that is also a member of the
Food Bank.
We also need to document the amount of poundage we receive from our donors.
Furman picks the food up six days a week, Sunday-Friday from Whole Foods
Market, Costco and the Food Bank. He brings it back to Community Service,
unloads it, weighs it and stores it in the appropriate spot. He categorizes the type
of food in categories: Bread ; Pastries, Dairy, Meat, Produce and Other. We
reported between 300,000 - 400,000 lbs. last year.
Our only cost for the food we get is a yearly membership
fee of $150.00 per year to the Food Bank. Last year in 2022, we
received between 300,000 to 400,000 lbs. of food.
The folks we serve very much appreciate the food they receive. Most return every
week. They thank Community Service and the members of the church who
support this vital service.
Come and visit our Community Service Center. It belongs
to the church! Thank you.
Furman's schedule for picking up food:
1. Whole Foods Market – Sunday through Friday,
between 6:30 am – 7:30 am.
2. Costco - Monday through Friday, between 11:00 am-
12:00 pm
3. Central California Food Bank – Friday, between 8:00
am-9:00 am.
Volunteers are needed to help in the following areas:
- Men who are able to lift up heavy bags on Mon., Wed. and Friday, three persons per day.
- Help with cleaning, once a week: 3-5 people.
- Grounds keepers – once or twice a month.
As I read about Jesus, what amazes me the most is that He didn’t come as a great philosopher or scientist; he didn’t come as a social reformer or political leader. I see Jesus, taking his sandwich and sharing it to someone hungry, I see him as taking his blanket and giving it to a single mother with three kids; I see him coming down, down to the lowest of us to bring us a loaf of bread and a word of hope. And this is what we what to do at our Community Services, serving weekly those who struggle with multiple life issues. Please check our schedule so we can be of help you if you are in need or if not, come and be a blessing. “And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " (Acts 20:35)
Thank you and may the Lord bless you abundantly,
Community Service team.
Pastor Gouveia visits the Community Services and interviews guests and volunteers.
To see some of our events, click on this link.